Re-Entering the LPN Profession

How do I apply to reinstate my LPN registration?

A reinstatement assessment is used by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba (CLPNM) to determine whether the length of time you have been away from your practice could impact your readiness to provide safe and competent nursing care. The CLPNM has developed a Reinstatement Fact Sheet to provide you with detailed information on the reinstatement process. Please be sure to review the fact sheet before starting the reinstatement process. 

When you are ready to open a reinstatement file with the CLPNM, you can do so by logging into your Online Profile.  Note that the CLPNM will use email as its primary method of communication with you throughout the reinstatement process. 

For further information on the reinstatement process, or if you have any questions not answered in the Reinstatement Fact Sheet, please contact the CLPNM by email or by phone at 204-663-1212 or 1-877-663-1212 toll free.


New: Streamlined Pathway for Returning LPNs

If you are a former LPN who has worked within the past five years, you may be eligible for a faster and more flexible pathway back into practice. You may also be eligible for financial assistance from the Government of Manitoba. 


The Licensed Practical Nursing Regulation requires 1,000 hours of practical nursing practice in every 4-year period to maintain registration as an LPN in Manitoba. This requirement exists to ensure that LPNs maintain their competence through active practice.

Prior to the new rules, any former LPN who applied to return to practice, and who did not have at least 1,000 hours of practice in the past four years, would be referred for a clinical competence assessment (CCA), as well as refresher education if the CCA indicated that it was required. Both the CCA and refresher education would need to be complete before the former LPN would be authorized to return to practice.

What's changed?

Under the new rules, some former Manitoba LPNs, who do not meet the practice hour requirement will be eligible to return to practice more quickly under supervision. Those who are eligible will not need to first undergo the CCA and complete refresher education.

How will the CLPNM be assured that the returning LPN is competent?

The risk that a former LPN may have lost competence during their time away from practice will be mitigated through the supervision requirement. The supervision requirement will be lifted, after a prescribed number of supervised practice hours, if the employer provides written confirmation that the returning LPN’s practice is safe and competent.   

Who will benefit?

  • Manitobans will benefit from having access to a broader pool of LPNs, more quickly.
  • Manitobans will continue to be protected from the risk of incompetent LPN practice.
  • Eligible former LPNs who wish to return to practice will be able to earn a living more quickly and contribute to the healthcare system more quickly.

Who is eligible?

This expedited re-entry pathway is open to former LPNs provided that:

  • they have at least 500 hours of Canadian practical nursing practice in the past 5 years, and
  • they have held registration with the CLPNM at some point in the past, and
  • they were in good standing with the CLPNM at the time they last held registration, and
  • they have no unresolved matters with the CLPNM or another professional regulator, and
  • they meet all requirements for LPN registration, except for the practice hour requirement, and
  • the CLPNM is satisfied that they will practise safely while under supervision, based on a review of their registration and practice history

What if I am not eligible for the streamlined reinstatement pathway?

You may still be eligible to return to practice following a clinical competence assessment, and if required,  refresher education. You may still be eligible for financial support from the Government of Manitoba to assist with the associated costs. Read more about financial supports below. 

Who do I contact for more information?

To discuss your eligibility for the streamlined reinstatement pathway, please contact the CLPNM Registration Department by email

Questions related to financial support must be directed to the Shared Health Nurse Employment Navigator. Contact information is available below. 

What financial supports might be available?

Former nurses who are interested in returning to the public health care system may be eligible for financial supports from the Government of Manitoba to support licensure reinstatement. This includes reinstatement application and registration fees, licensing and professional liability fees, required suitability checks, immunizations, and clinical competence assessment/nurse re-entry program fees, if applicable.

Eligibility for Financial Support

The financial supports described above may be available to former nurses who are:

  • actively retired (i.e. collecting pension benefits), and
  • currently unemployed, and
  • returning to practice with a public employer.

Please contact a Nurse Employment Navigator at for more information and to determine eligibility for financial supports.
Also note that, depending on your unique circumstances, you may be eligible for financial support through the Nurses Recruitment and Retention Fund. Please visit their website for more information.