Continuing Competence Audit

About the CCP Audit

Each year, the CLPNM conducts a review of LPNs’ continuing competence and learning activities. This is referred to as the CCP Audit. 

The CCP Audit supports the CLPNM in meeting its mandate to ensure that LPNs provide safe, competent and ethical nursing care. It also assists LPNs in meeting their professional obligation to maintain and build their competence as nurses. The CCP Audit includes two categories.

Have more questions?

The Quality Improvement Audit (Category 1)

The Quality Improvement (QI) category of the CCP Audit (also referred to as Category 1) is conducted to confirm that LPNs are building their competence and improving the quality of their care over the course of their careers. This is the audit that CLPNM registrants are accustomed to.

Each year, a minimum of 10% of LPNs will be selected for the QI Audit. Those selected will submit one completed learning plan for review. Those selected may also be required to obtain verification of their practice hours. Any person selected, who is self-employed, must also submit documentation related to their self-employed practice. More information on what must be submitted can be found in the CLPNM’s CCP Instruction Guide.

The Quality Assurance Audit (Category 2)

The Quality Assurance (QA) category of the CCP Audit (also referred to as Category 2) was introduced in 2023. 

The focus of the QA Audit is on obtaining assurance that LPNs are demonstrating the competence necessary to practise safely in their current practice environment, particularly when the LPN practises in a context that is associated with higher risk for clients. 

Each year, 1-2% of LPNs will be selected for the QA Audit. Those selected will submit the same material required for the QI Audit but will have an additional requirement to obtain practice feedback, and to develop and submit a second learning plan that is informed by the practice feedback. 

LPNs selected for either category of the CCP Audit will be advised before the end of June each year.  Those selected are required to submit CCP documentation by the registration renewal deadline in the Fall. Further instructions on what to submit for either category of the audit, and how to submit, can be found in the CLPNM’s CCP Instruction Guide

When an LPN is selected for the CCP Audit, participating in the audit and meeting all associated deadlines is a requirement for ongoing registration with the CLPNM. If you are an LPN in Manitoba, your obligation to participate in the CCP and the CCP Audit is described in the CLPNM’s Practice Direction on the Continuing Competence Program

Read more about recent changes to the CCP and the CCP Audit here


Templates and Forms

Learning plan templates are no longer posted here. Registrants now enter learning plans directly into their profile in the CLPNM’s online registration system. Consult the CCP Instruction Guide for more information.

When can you expect your results?

If you were selected for the CCP Audit, your audit submission will be reviewed for the first time in January. You can expect to receive results before the end of that month. 

Wondering how to submit?

Please consult our revised CCP Instruction Guide, which includes updated instructions on how to submit CCP information for either the Quality Improvement Audit (Category 1) or the Quality Assurance Audit (Category 2). Instructions on how to submit begin on page 24.

Not sure if you were selected for the CCP Audit this year?

Login to your online registration profile, and open “My Emails”. If you were selected for either category of the audit, you will see a notice of selection from the CLPNM sent before the end of June in the applicable year. 

Another way to check is through the “My Audit” section which will appear on the home page of your online registration profile beginning September 1 if you were selected for the audit.4