Annual Renewal for LPNs

Renew by October 22

Late fees apply October 23

Important Dates

  • September 1: Registration renewal opens, and all registrants can access the renewal link in their online profile.
  • October 22: Last day to complete the registration renewal application process in full to avoid late fees. Beginning October 23 late fees apply. See below for a list of renewal application requirements. 
  • October 31: Last day to complete your online registration renewal application. The CLPNM will not accept any online registration renewal applications after this date. Registrants who miss this deadline can no longer renew, but will be eligible to apply for reinstatement after December 1.

LPN registration and authorization to practise expires every year on November 30th at midnight. 

LPNs whose renewals have not been completed and approved by this date may apply for reinstatement, after December 1, but are not authorized to practise while their reinstatement application is being processed. Unauthorized practice is subject to penalties.

CLPNM processing times vary.  For the best access to support, and for an opportunity to submit any required information missing from your application before the deadline, be sure to complete your renewal application as early as possible after September 1.

Renewal Application Requirements

Your registration renewal application is complete when all the following have been received by the CLPNM.

The CLPNM Executive Director may also require you to submit additional information to confirm your suitability and eligibility to practise. You will be notified if this is the case. 

Renewal FAQs

See below for answers to the questions most frequently asked during the registration renewal period.

If you are having difficulty navigating the online registration system, please refer to our Online Registration System FAQs.

Annual Professional Learning Module

You must complete the CLPNM’s Annual Professional Learning Module, and a brief quiz to confirm your learning. 

Obtain CNPS Beneficiary Status

You must pay for and have status as a CNPS beneficiary, so that you are eligible for CNPS professional liability protection.

Online Renewal Form

You must accurately complete the renewal form in the CLPNM’s online registration system.

Registration Fee Payment

You must pay the renewal fee and any other outstanding amounts owed to the CLPNM.

CCP Audit Forms

(If Required)

If you are selected for the Continuing Competence Program Audit, you will be notified by email and in your online registration profile.

Suitability Checks

(If Required)

If you were selected, you were notified by email in February and in your online registration  profile.

Verification of Hours

(If Required)

If you are selected to have your employer verify your practice hours, you will be notified by email. 

Once your complete application is received, the CLPNM will assess your application against the criteria for registration.

Based on the information in your renewal application, the CLPNM may determine that a more in-depth registration assessment is needed. If this is the case, you may be required to submit additional documentation and pay a registration assessment fee. 

If you are required to provide additional information you will be notified by email. Be sure to check your inbox and junk folder regularly for time-sensitive correspondence. Notices sent to registrants by email, or posted on the CLPNM website, are considered to have been served on the date they were sent or posted.

It can take up to 8 weeks to process and approve a renewal application, although many are processed and approved the same day they are submitted. 

The amount of time varies and is dependent on the registrant’s individual circumstances.

Note that renewal applications are not processed until they are complete, so it is important to submit all renewal application requirements as early as possible. This will help you avoid additional fees and/or the expiry of your current registration before your new registration is approved.

The renewal deadline is October 31. 

If you complete your renewal application between October 23 – October 31 at midnight, you will pay a late fee in addition to the registration renewal fee.

If you submit some parts of your renewal application but do not complete it before October 23 it is considered a late application. 

The CLPNM offers registrants seven weeks, from September 1 to October 22, to submit and complete their renewal applications, before late fees apply.

Due to high volumes and processing times to ensure that qualified and eligible registrants are approved for the upcoming registration year, the CLPNM is unable to accept registration renewal applications after October 31.

Between November 1 – 30, the CLPNM’s available resources are dedicated to reviewing and processing the applications that have been submitted by those who met the October 31 deadline.

If your registration is not renewed, you will no longer have a licence. This means you cannot practise or refer to yourself as a licensed practical nurse (LPN). 

You may submit an application for reinstatement, but you cannot practise while you are waiting for your reinstatement application to be processed and approved. Depending on your circumstances, this could take several weeks. 

The CLPNM will begin accepting reinstatement applications beginning December 1.

Note that practising while you are not licensed is unauthorized and is subject to penalties (see our fee schedule), as well as disciplinary action and possible prosecution under The Licensed Practical Nurses Act

You need at least 1000 hours of LPN practice in the four-year period prior to the year for which you are seeking registration.

This means that, if you are applying for 2023 registration, you need to have accumulated at least 1000 hours during the time period covered by:


Maintaining your practice hours helps you to maintain your competence as a nurse.

The requirement for 1000 hours in each four-year period is set out in The Licensed Practical Nursing Regulation.

Number of hours worked per week: ________

Multiply by the number of weeks you worked over the past year: ________

Add overtime hours: ________  (Do not multiply your overtime hours by 1.5)

Subtract vacation time: ________

Subtract sick time: ________

Subtract any statutory holidays you did not work: ________

Total estimated practice hours: ________

They may be.  The CLPNM reserves the right to request a verification of your practice hours from your employer(s). If you are required to have your hours verified, you will be notified in correspondence from the CLPNM.

If you are self-employed, or work under contract with a nursing agency, be sure to keep your own records of your practice hours. This might include billing records or pay stubs from an agency employer.

The purpose of verifying your practice hours is to confirm whether you have accumulated the required 1000 hours in the previous four-year period.

If you later discover that you have entered your hours incorrectly in your online profile, please contact the CLPNM and we can revise the hours for you. Our online registration system will not allow you to revise your hours yourself.

Also note that the CLPNM cannot revise hours that have been verified by your employer. If you believe the hours verified by your employer are incorrect, please contact your employer. The CLPNM will accept a revised Verification of Hours form from that employer.

We recognize that many health conditions do not affect safe practice, and even those that might affect practice may not be a risk to the public if the condition is well-managed.  Many people who disclose health conditions on their renewal applications have their applications processed without delay and without restriction. 

However, if you have a health condition that may impact your ability to provide safe care, it is important for you to:

  • submit your renewal application as soon as the registration renewal window opens, and
  • to answer all questions on the renewal form honestly and accurately.

Here’s why.

The CLPNM has an obligation to ensure that everyone who holds a licence meets the criteria set out in The Licensed practical Nurses Act and Regulation, which includes the following:

The applicant must not…suffer from a physical or mental condition, disorder, or addiction to alcohol or drugs…that makes it desirable in the public interest that he or she not practice practical nursing.

When we learn about a health concern that may affect your capacity for practice, we will ask you a few more questions to help us determine the impact on client safety.  Depending on your circumstance, that may be all the information we need, but in other cases, we may need documentation from a health care provider to help us assess the extent to which the condition presents a risk to the public, if at all.

Getting information from your health care provider may take you some time. After we receive the information, our assessment also takes time. Each case is different, but in some circumstances, this assessment can take several weeks.

If you wait until late in the renewal period to submit your renewal application, and you have a health condition or addiction we do not already know about, you are taking on the risk that your renewal application might not be processed before your current year’s registration expires.

To recap:

  • Renew early
  • Disclose honestly

For more information

​If you do not intend to practise in Manitoba in the upcoming registration year, please take the time to advise the CLPNM that you are resigning. This allows us to keep better statistics about the profession and assists with health human resource planning for the province.

You can advise us by logging into your online registration profile, and clicking the button beside the inactive registration box.

From September 1 – December 1 you must contact the CLPNM to add new employers to your profile. Outside of those dates, you can add new employers by logging into your online profile in CLPNM’s registration system. Per CLPNM’s By-Laws, you must advise the CLPNM within 30 days of any change in nursing employment including the business name, address, phone number, and email address.